Christianity Basic Beliefs

Christianity Basic Beliefs that Jesus Christ was the Son of God — fully human and fully divine — and that through believing in him and following his teachings they can inherit eternal life.
How did Christianity begin?

Christianity traces its start to the miraculous arrival, senior ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, called Jesus Christ. His mom was a young peasant woman named Mary.

Christians believe that his father was the Holy Spirit of God, making Jesus both fully human and fully divine. His followers came to believe that he was the Messiah, or messenger, sent by God to free God’s people from sin, slavery, and death. God sent his son Jesus in human form in order that people would better understand God as a caring and loving parent.

Jesus lived and experienced the suffering of humans. By being loving and forgiving himself, Jesus taught others to be loving and forgiving – especially toward those who were considered outcasts in society. This is the central message and style of Jesus’ teaching.

Throughout his adult ministry, Jesus built a loyal following, headed by his twelve disciples. However, Jesus also made enemies among the religious and political leaders of the time. In the end, these powerful leaders were so threatened by Jesus’ growing following that the Roman governor sentenced Jesus to death and had him crucified. The third day after Jesus’ death, his followers found his tomb empty and found that he was raised from the dead. Christians believe that the painful sacrifice of Jesus’ life on the cross demonstrates how much God loves God’s people.

Christians believe that in raising Jesus’ in the dead, God revealed that Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness was more powerful than death, and that believing in Jesus and following the example of his life and his teaching could result in eternal life after death. The resurrection (rising from the dead) is that the indication of God’s salvation offered to all people.

After his resurrection, Jesus Christ’s followers spread his message throughout the world, creating the Christian Church. Today there are about two billion Christians living all over the world.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God — fully human and fully divine — and that through believing in him following his teachings they can inherit eternal life. Christians believe that Jesus died for humanity, that God raised him from the dead, and that Jesus will come again in the end of time. In addition, Christians believe in the Trinity, or the three elements of God: God the Father or Creator, God the Son (Jesus) or Redeemer, and God the Holy Spirit or Sanctifier. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence on Earth.
The basis of Jesus’ teaching comes from his summary of the Jewish law he grew up with:

Love God with all your heart, soul and mind.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Christians also seek to follow the ten commandments God gave Moses to give the Israelites:
Worship no other God but me. Do not make images to worship.
Don’t abuse the name of God.
Observe the Sabbath Day (Sunday, for Christians).
Keep it Holy.
Honor and honor your father and mother.
Do not murder.
Don’t commit adultery.
Don’t slip.
Don’t accuse anyone falsely.
Don’t tell lies about other people.
Do not envy other’s possessions.

What are the sacred texts of Christianity?

The Christian Bible contains two components: the Old Testament which is essentially the Hebrew scriptures of Jesus’ time; and the New Testament which contains writings about Jesus Christ and on the ancient church. The four gospels (a word meaning’great news’) of the New Testament are reports of Jesus’ life and teaching, of his death and resurrection. The New Testament also contains the Acts of the Apostles, which describes the early growth of the Christian church; the letters of Paul and other significant leaders in the early church; the Letter to the Hebrews; as well as the Book of Revelation. The New Testament teaches that salvation comes through believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and in following his teachings. It teaches that salvation is a present God extends freely through Jesus Christ to all people.
Are there so many distinct sorts of Christians?

From its beginning with a tiny group of Jesus’ followers, Christianity Basic Beliefs spread all around the world. Today, it’s practiced by two million people. As with any large collection, Christianity has undergone many different interpretations, disagreements and conflicts for power over the centuries. These have led to the increase of many distinct branches of Christianity prolonging the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in various ways. There are 3 basic streams of Christianity: Orthodox, Protestant and Roman Catholic.

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